Day 106 // Thank You!

Gratitude is a forgotten factor in happiness research.

Did you know that grateful individuals
• Report higher levels of positive emotions
• Have greater life satisfaction
• Experience greater vitality
• Are more optimistic
• Are healthier
• Build strong relationships
• Handle adversity better
• Experience lower levels of depression and stress

People who have a strong disposition toward gratitude have the capacity to be empathetic and to take the perspective of others.

They are also rated as more generous and more helpful. Grateful individuals place less importance on material goods, are less likely to judge their own and others success in terms of possessions accumulated, and are less envious of others.

Here are just a few ideas for promoting gratitude in your life 

• Write a thank-you note 

• Thank someone mentally 

• Keep a gratitude journal 

• Meditate 

• Count your blessings

During this journey, I began reflecting and writing in a Gratitude Journal each day as I realized how precious life truly is. And the difference? My attitude is more positive towards this battle and my health, wonderful opportunities have come my way and my family is closer than ever since I commenced writing. There is still work to be done, but understanding the role gratitude plays in my life is priceless.

And my advice? Start your own Gratitude Journal listing 5 things that you are grateful for each day and you will start to see an incredible shift in your life to one of positivity, improved health, less stress and life satisfaction.

Speaking of gratitude, I am so thankful for all of your support throughout this journey. Your never ending love has meant so much to me.

I have passion for what I do and it’s people like you that continue to fuel my fire and drive to be the best I can be so I can give back to others through my business and personal life.

Forever grateful,
