Day 124 // Life Is Too Short


  • to waste it complaining about things that you can’t control.
  • to spend it in a dead-end job doing nothing significant.
  • to be a spectator and not a participant.
  • to squander the skills and abilities that you have.
  • to keep your best ideas to yourself.
  • to hold grudges that end up hurting you more than those who have offended you.
  • to be afraid of commitment and love.
  • to spend significant proportions of it on the couch watching mind-numbing television shows.
  • to spend it focusing on your problems and not coming up with great solutions.
  • to ignore the opportunities that present for you to make a positive difference.
  • to try to please everyone.
  • to forget to look after your health.
  • to blame others for your circumstances rather than take responsibility.
  • to not make time to develop the spiritual aspects of your life.
  • to not wear pink.
  • to focus on making and spending money instead of the genuinely important things.
  • to try to do it alone.
  • to live with the regret of not following your dreams.
  • to forget to have fun along the way.
  • to miss your kids growing up because you spend too much time working.
  • to repeat the same mistakes year after year and not learn anything new.

Life is too short to be anything but happy!