Day 122 // The Best “A” Ever!


Oh the struggles we’ve had with math over the last two years. With the introduction of Common Core, confusion has been abundant. But today marks a triumphant victory.

Heading into Thursday, Gia’s math grade average was an A. She had one more test before the trimester ended to determine her final grade.

Review, practice test, more review, another practice test…that was our Wednesday evening. And yes, I am drill sergeant. Concepts engrained, we exhausted our eyes with every number possible until the last story problem. Whew…time for bed!

Thursday morning greeted me early in order to create one last practice test before heading to work. Deciding that a concept review sheet might be beneficial, I crafted one with the most important ideas. I then awoke Gia, kissing and hugging her with “good luck” wishes and encouraging words.

With one foot out of her bedroom, Gia stopped me in my tracks. “Mom,” she whispered. “If I do well on this test and get an A in Math, I will feel smart.”

Sigh…the mental game that had waged war on her psyche over the last two years was apparent. The struggle with one subject had determined her value. It was time for that to change.

Saying a prayer on my way to work, I could do no more. It was in God’s hands.

Gia texted me at 7:37 AM with this:

“I get it Mom. Thanks for the review sheet.”

Tears of joy streamed down my face.

Anxiously awaiting her arrival home from school today, my intuition was speaking positivity. We logged on to the school portal together to review her final grades.

And there it was…an A in Math. The long awaited, well deserved A. The smile on her face spoke volumes as we hugged for several minutes.

A proud mother…a now confident daughter.