Day 104 // Jumping for Joy


There has been a little more pep in my step as of late. Someone told me I looked “refreshed” – I’ll take that compliment any day of the week. And Sabrina (the short wig) made her debut at the studio today.

I supposed it has something to do with those radiation treatments behind me. Or maybe, in witnessing what others become angered or frustrated over, I’ve been shown that their worries and drama pale in comparison to those fighting for their lives.

Time has revealed how blessed I am. And it has given way to learning these life lessons:

To not take life too seriously

To accept and respect people’s decisions

To appreciate a sunny day

To not get too caught up in others’ misery

To toss aside anger – it’s not worth it

To enjoy my age

To exercise is to gain power

To travel expands you

To have passion for something – anything!

To recognize that pain will pass

To take risks

To change is to grow

To control others will drive you insane (or to drink!)

To embrace a mindset of gratitude

To trust your intuition

To please yourself first

To accept that perfection is unattainable

To stop and smell the roses

To keep life simple

To always forgive (but you don’t have to forget)

To be proactive

To do the work

To make every day count

To love and live like it’s your last day

To jump for joy – no matter what!