Day 33 // Me vs. Me
Every day is unfamiliar with some aspect of my body changing. Yesterday it was the the eyelashes...last week the hair...tomorrow only time knows.
Every day is unfamiliar with some aspect of my body changing. Yesterday it was the the eyelashes...last week the hair...tomorrow only time knows.
I choose to be the exception!
The battle has begun and immunity is at stake. The enemy? The toxic drugs attempting to derail my white blood counts.
At some point modern medicine will have to grant more credence to Eastern medicine and healing practices.
Stepping into the steamy shower, I was apprehensive about washing my hair - and with good reason.
It's 7:30 PM as I type this smiling at how beautiful this July summer day has turned out to be.
She's been on my mind since Day 1 and I've recanted the story several times always erasing her remarks quickly from mind.
"Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had and dealing with fears you didn't know existed.” ~ Linda Wooten