Day 20 // Chick Flick Cherry
Life is full of surprises. Just when you are used to things the way they are, circumstances have a tendency to change.
Day 19 // The Free Spirited Warrior
Growing up we were the "two little ones" - joined at the hip, dressed alike, people thought we were twins.
Day 18 // The Rule or the Exception?
I choose to be the exception!
Day 17 – Meet Dr. Heather
As I reflected on my chemo follow-up appointment today, my fingers began counting the number of times I've recanted this story.
Day 16 // Hubby is always right!
I have to give credit where credit is due. He was right - and more often than not. I should have listened but hope was guiding my thoughts - hope that my path would be different.
Day 15 // Upside Down?
Shock was never a word that I could use to describe myself until the day I found out about the cancer.
Day 14 // Do what you LOVE…and LOVE what you do!
Occasionally it's a conversation; every so often it's a speech or lecture. And then often it's a phone call from someone who knows you too well (thank you Calena).
Day 13 // Rebooting My Strength
Like most things in life having a different experience is a matter of perspective.
Day 12 // Summer Fun, Sun and S’mores!
The dreaded day arrived with much anxiousness as anticipated. Gia could not be more excited. Me? Well, I had knots the size of cantaloupes inside my stomach!