Day 36 // Why? or Why.
The moment the gynecologist informed me of the lesion on my cervix, I made a promise to myself.
The moment the gynecologist informed me of the lesion on my cervix, I made a promise to myself.
Yes, you heard it from me - I am "re" committing to you and me.
My life changed forever a year ago today.
Every day is unfamiliar with some aspect of my body changing. Yesterday it was the the eyelashes...last week the hair...tomorrow only time knows.
As I sat on the dock this morning, my appreciative eyes watched the glorious sun rise, glistening over the lake as reflections rippled across it.
"The things you take for granted someone else is hoping and praying for."
The alarm pierced my ears at 5:00 AM the morning after the diagnosis.
Shortly after the hysterectomy, my mind raced with thoughts of how my "normal" baseline might change
Lying back in my chair, IV drips in my ear
Silent and ghostly, wrapped in white clouds of fear.